2018 – My writing journey in review

Happy New Year
I entered 2018 with two main writing goals: (1) get an agent, and (2) get a publishing contract.

Neither happened.

Let’s be honest, I had no idea how slow publishing moves or how competitive it is, and I most likely set my goals way too high. But at the same time, that’s me. I aim high. Always.

That being said, 2018 was an incredible year of writing for me. So many great things happened, most of which I never saw coming and wouldn’t have known at the beginning of the year to even hope for. Did I accomplish my goals? No. But that’s totally fine, because I accomplished so much more. As you think back on 2018, I’d encourage you not to focus on what you didn’t do, but all that you did.

With that in mind, here’s just a little snapshot of all the amazing writing related things that I accomplished or that happened this year:

1. Edited and revised (heavily) my first manuscript.
2. Wrote, edited, and revised manuscripts two and three.
3. Started drafting manuscript number four.
4. Met an amazing group of CPs whom I love and adore via the #RevPit contest (which I entered but did not win).
5. Began my querying journey. Received lots of rejections but also lots of requests as well, several of which are still open (fingers crossed)!
6. Attended my first writing conference (RWA18).
7. Met many other incredible writers who continue to encourage and inspire me everyday.
8. Entered (and placed!) in my RWA chapter contest with my first manuscript.
9. ‘Won’ Fall Fiction Fest, had a fabulous mentor’s help improving my query, and received full requests from two agents (fingers crossed again).
10. Entered PitchWars. Even though I wasn’t selected, I received a request for more from mentors and that was amazing.
11. Learned more about writing, grammar, character development, and style than I could have imagined possible in one year.
12. Met my Nanowrimo goal in November, as well as my camp Nano goal in April.
13. Completed and grew as a writer more than I ever thought possible at this time last December.

Thirteen! That’s a lot of things, and I’m sure there are many more that I’m forgetting or left off the list. As a new writer, I hadn’t even considered many of the things above when setting my goals for 2018. This year has taught me many things and been so rewarding in a lot of different ways. Did I accomplish the goals I set at the beginning of the year? No. But in the end I accomplished so much more and I am eternally grateful for everyone who has been a part of this journey. I can’t wait to see what 2019 has in store.